
DVCon U.S.

February 25-26, 2025
Doubletree, San Jose, CA
Booth 109


Past Event Highlights

Static Sign-Off Best Practices for RTL Design

Panelists discussed their static sign off goals,  selected best practices and technologies they use to support those goals, results.


  • Brian Choi – Samsung Electronics
  • John Busco – NVIDIA
  • Hamid Shojaei – Google
  • Oren Katzir – Real Intent

Topics will include: Multimode & dynamic clock domain crossing (CDC) sign off, plus reset domain crossing sign off to eliminate metastability issues. Audience Q&A to follow panel discussion.

Static Sign-Off Best Practices
for RTL Design

Monday, June 3, 2019
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Room N250
Las Vegas Convention Ctr.

Samsung Speaks on: Fully Hierarchical CDC Analysis using Comprehensive CDC Meta-Database

The paper introduces an  systematic approach to enable accurate hierarchical CDC verification, incorporating  IP-reuse principles and a divide-and-conquer paradigm to remove redundancy in the CDC verification effort.

The speaker will show how to save effort and time in SoC CDC analysis, along with a real result for a IP-to-block and block-to-top flow.

DVCon Speaker

Youngchan Lee
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Feb 27, 2019
Fir Room, Doubletree Inn
San Jose, CA